Thursday, 16 October 2008

Persian Rug Club Introduction

I'm creating this blog in the hope that it will become a hub for rug enthusiasts to meet and discuss their interests and their rugs as well as share their knowledge on the art that is Persian & Oriental rugs.

Over time I will look to add rug origin guides for rugs for around Iran and the Persian region. It is my aim to create an exhaustive list detailing the area and design of rugs woven in Iran and discuss the history behind them.

I invite anyone who has an interest in Persian rugs to share their knowledge and help to build this blog and hopefully a community with a shared passion.

As a marketer by trade I began working with Little-Persia in 2005 with no familiarity with rugs, since then I have built up a knowledge but I am very much still learning. Hopefully this page will allow me not only to share what I do know but will also allow me to discover new stories, new designs and old history!

Over the coming weeks and months I shall add stories of what Little-Persia is doing as well as other interesting events in the rug world.

There is no online community of note with a shared passion for Persian rugs so with your help let us build a hamlet where people can come to discuss the interests. I invite people to contribute, to ask questions, to link to photos of their rugs and to come together to discuss the art of the Persian rug as well as their other hobbies or interests.

Ryan Malone

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